Why is Investment Banking Culture so Bad?

Why is Investment Banking Culture so Bad?

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Publish Date:
October 28, 2024
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Investment banking is notoriously a very intense industry to work in. In this video, I articulate some of the structural reasons why this might be the case. We discuss how a deal-based business model leads to tight deadlines, how the workflow often leads to weekend work, and how high attrition disincentivizes seniors from investing in their employees.

0:00 - The Deal-Making Business Model
2:29 - High Attrition Makes Managers Care Less
3:51 - Investment Banking is Very Hierarchical
4:57 - Intergroup Politics

Peak Frameworks is a business career prep service started by Matt Ting and Patrick Fong, who have each spent several years working in investment banking and private equity in New York and Silicon Valley. Matt and Patrick met at Evercore, a top tier investment bank, and over the years have tutored and coached dozens of candidates to land their dream business job.

Matt Ting: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewting/
Patrick Fong (HBS 2021): https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-fong-0b773041/

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