Credit Repair: Is It a Scam or Does It Actually Work?

Credit Repair: Is It a Scam or Does It Actually Work?

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tthere's three scams out there that most people don't even know exist and that's why repairing your credit has taken super super long and you still haven't got it fixed or you already lost your money by paying some fly-by-night company that you called from a craigslist ad or some sign n the road when you were driving from work.

I'm going to show you what to look out out for when trying to repair your credit because there are three big scams out there. This video will save you months, maybe even years on trying to repair your credit by conveyor belt, streamlined credit repair companies that send out cookie cutter disputes that dont even work

AND stop you from giving your hard earned money to these fly-by-night companies that don't even repair your credit and take your money and run.

Number one:

The United States government. According to the federal trade commission website. "Only time can make it go away. Most negative information will stay on your report for seven years, and bankruptcy information will stay on for 10 years."

But wait a minute if that was true (holds phones)
then how were we able to increase tricians score by 73 points last week.

Or increase Jays credit score by 179pts in less than one single month enrolled in our FAST TRACK PROGRAM

and how were we able to remove the bankruptcy of roberts report, we didnt have to wait 7-10 years for it to come off.

I can keep telling you about all the clients we've helped recently or over the years but we all know reviews are fake and this video is clearly photoshopped with a green screen (Insert somebody failing to hold a green blanket up and camera guy giving instructions)and nothing is real.

Ok so we all know to put our trust into the government. insert (Body bags, people dying from COVID, and goverment official touching her face)

Number 2.

Entrepreneurs, You gotta be careful with these conveyor belt credit repair companies that send off these cookie cutter disputes. Notice they target the masses of people and offer you credit repair for next to dirt cheap knowing you will just sign up because its super affordable and lets face it cheap is always the best. (Insert customer arguing with merchant, buyers remorse)

Theres a saying you get what you pay for and that's the truth. Many companies are only going to give you enough information just so you will be curious enough to sign u then 6 months of your precious time is wasted because "NEW CREDIT" for only $99 theres something sexy about that.
THEN WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? You start getting desperate and become vulnerable to any scam that promises you some overnight miracle.

Now that leads me to the third biggest scam which is scams themselves.

There are plenty of scams out there but you realize the only one that is scamming yourself is YOU because you are believing and looking for things that you want to hear versus the upmost truth about your situation.

So if it sounds too good to be true it probably is! But that doesn't mean give up and that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to take long to repair your credit.

Our company has an amazing technology called A.C.A.T (panthers roar) that uses the most cutting edge A.I infact we are the only credit repair company that uses A.I (insert elon musk talking about how a.i and its power) Over the years weve been able to scale the ranks even being top rated competing with biggest companys in the industry that make hundred of millions more than ours because of how effective our program really is.

Now this system doesn't always work for everyone nor do we take everyone as a clients. (Insert paranoid client) So we've created a little questionnaire its a form that will analyze your credit and help you fully understand where you're at and we will give you the necessary steps to get those negative items PERMANENTLY REMOVED.

it's very simple you just click the link above or below this video it'll take you to my website. If youre still doubtful or if you just want to collect information and do absolutely nothing with it. (Insert a pyscho taking notes and sticking them on the wall) Or if you wanna actually get your credit fixed, check out the site theres a test, just take that test and well know if we can help you or not see you guys on the other side. (Insert me in different rooms saying "taking the test" inticing, luring them of the "office space "umm yeah")

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