Did you hire Lexington law? Repair Your Credit

Did you hire Lexington law? Repair Your Credit

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What do Burger King in Lexington law having common well the fact that they're both cheap is one thing but the fact that Burger King is fast food in Lexington is not fast and may take you up to two years to clean only 10 to 15% of your credit is definitely slow and causing you more money than what you spend because the longer you have that credit it's costing you each single month whether you have a subprime auto loan any of the subprime credit cards like credit one bank first Horizon you name it.

You figured since Lexington law is cheaper than Pinnacle credit Repair in terms of price that it would be faster cheap similar to the fast food industry but that's the total opposite and if you calculate the amount of time that you lost in the money you spend it's actually a lot more than Pinnacle credit it's basic math.

Now I could bore you to death and draw figures to explain this if you're a nerd you would appreciate it but the regular person is not a nerd so let me just make it simple for you. Lower credit score with a thin credit file equals higher interest and losing opportunities to get into jobs that you want credit cards you want get apartments that you want or get home ownership if that's what you want. 

If it takes you two years and causing $99 a month for 24 months that's $2400 my minimum fee is $1700 and my clients get the credit clean and one to three months.… if you financed a $30,000 vehicle for a four year term at the interest rate of 13% then guess what? You probably need 1000 to 2500 deposit which goes directly to the dealer and not to the principal of the loan… And in the course of signing that document you're automatically losing an extra $4000 nearly…. And then that for your period anything could happen you could get into an accident hopefully you have gap insurance but then that wouldn't put you in a better financial situation either that or just keep you from losing more than what you might…

That's just one illustration imagine if you own a home you bought a home two years ago or year ago at 3% interest considering you might have had a 700 or above Fico score But now rates have increased and they're extremely high but that's not gonna last forever.

The time to repair your credit is now during this time of recession it's best to buckle down and start investing in yourself because when the recession ends that's going to open up opportunities that you and I both need so I'm with you on this 5 AM in the morning and I'm writing this and I'm not going to edit anything I want you guys to see how I live where I live what I do for a living and how I make a living and my commitment to you.

