Always consult a financial advisor or attorney for the most accurate information that pertains to your credit situation! Always pay your debts BEFORE they hit your credit. Do not abuse the system and do frivolous disputes Individual results will vary, based on differences in credit reports, contract terms, state laws and statute of limitations. I make NO guarantees that this method will work for you. Trust but verify and do your homework! I DO NOT PROVIDE CREDIT REPAIR 🚫
✔ Top 5 Credit Tips:
0:00 - Collection Myths
THIS is the exact way I FIXED MY bad credit score, WITHOUT PAYING a company to help you do it! All of these steps can be taken TODAY to increase your score and remove derogatory marks off your credit report which proper research and guidance from a certified credit advisor (NOT ME) or lender. Having a higher credit score will help you save money with a lower interest rate, etc.
I raised my credit score over 300+ points and I didn't have to pay anyone! The most common misconception of improving one's credit score is that if you pay your collections accounts to a $0 balance on your credit report, this will help your credit score. WRONG! Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. This is strictly for informational purposes and does not replace the advice from a financial advisor, credit bureaus agent or attorney. Do your own research!