Should I fix my credit report errors on my own, with a credit repair company, or through a lawyer?

Should I fix my credit report errors on my own, with a credit repair company, or through a lawyer?

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Publish Date:
August 26, 2022
Credit Repair
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Three basic options for fixing your credit report errors.

Do it on your own. This is no cost and you don't have to rely on anyone but you do have to know everything about the process so you can handle on your own.

Hire a credit repair company -- make sure you are dealing with a legitimate company that follows the Credit Repair Organization Act law. You don't want one that will do frivolous disputes that can take away from your real disputes.

Or hire a consumer protection attorney. The lawyer should not charge you to do the dispute -- if it is fixed, it costs you nothing. If not fixed, then the lawyer will sue and gets paid out of the settlement/verdict.

There is no one right answer -- investigate and make the best decision for you.


John G. Watts
Watts & Herring, LLC
Representing consumers across Alabama

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