I made $18,780 with a Free Reddit Forex Trading Strategy (In 3 Days!)

I made $18,780 with a Free Reddit Forex Trading Strategy (In 3 Days!)

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This video will discuss I made $18,780 with a Free Reddit Forex Trading Strategy (In 3 Days!).
There are 279 000 traders on the Reddit Forex Community this week. I'm trading one of their strategies on my live trading account and you don't want to miss what happens. I spend a little time in the Reddit Forex sub laughing at videos like these perhaps.

I was trading today sometimes looking at different chart setups but the other day. I took a deeper dive and I found a Forex Trading strategy that takes only 10 minutes a day to implement. It's actually really really easy to use.

The Reddit Forex Community is booming, but are the Forex Trading Strategies there Profitable?

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πŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰ Watch the video to the end for my personal TRICKS.

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I am not giving any financial advice in this video, it is purely for education and entertainment. Past profits do not guarantee future profits.



0:00 Introduction
0:48 Day 1: Starting with the Strategy
0:58 Teaching you the Strategy
4:15 Only Live Trade on Day 1
6:03 Day 2: More Live Forex Trading
7:26 Day 3: Last Day of Live Forex Trading
9:41 HankoTrade Ad
10:11 Final Trading Results from the Week!
11:23 Conclusion


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#FunnyRedditPosts #MakeMoneywithReddit #TradingDayTrading #ForexRedditTradingCommunity #RedditStockTrading #RedditForexTradingStrategy #freeredditforexstrategy